Samples sent to us from students who have participated in one or more of our writing clinic workshops.
American International School of Johannesburg
Refrain poem
Not Again
Finally I arrive to a land of opportunities
Always ready for action like a snake ready to strike its venom on my
Can’t stop thinking of the work done in minutes

refrain poem by Tsholo grade 7 AISJ
Which I could have spent just chilling
At home eating popcorn, but I’m at my
Extra, Extra-mural activities after my periods
And math solving all expressions at my
Getting used to the syllabus
Five days before the bus,
But Oh man!!
Still I have work to do, so it’s time to
by Tsholo – Grade 7

Refrain poems created from biographical research of famous people.
International School of Lusaka
Prepositional Phrase Poems
The man is scared
In the middle of nowhere
Among dark clouds
Through an angry mist
On shaking ground
Upon a baby’s sandals
Without a sword or horse
With sweat on his face
Like a fly in a trap
Underneath a heavy helmet
Beyond Rome he travels
Although he is a great soldier
The man is scared.
By Nangamika grade 4
The Violin
Under the bright light
Near the long bow
Beside the confused boy
On the wide wooden table
In the black velvet case
The lovely violin sits
By Ella grade 4
The Afternoon Ride
Under the hot sun
By the moving stampede
In the quiet grassland
During the early morning
Beyond the open gate
They rode through the afternoon
By Kayula grade 4