February 12, 2020 - Michael Salinger
Reading Recovery 2020
Reading Recovery teachers are hard core. Chatting with the folks around the Scholastic booth we learned that that the reps were very impressed with the engagement, questions and expertise of the attendees at the 2020 Reading Recovery National Conference.

Barry Lane serenades Sara.
Sara and I have been fans for years, since even before presenting at the World Literacy Conference years ago in New Zealand where the program originated.

Lunching with Nikki
So, of course, we ran into some of our favorite people while we were presenting. Barry Lane is like a superhero for compassion and empathy, Nikki Grimes – prolific poet and author, Ralph Fletcher, writing teacher, writer and nature photographer extraordinaire and of course our dear friend and co-authorStephanie Harvey– the organizers pull out all stops in bringing top level presenters for these dedicated educators.

Signing the big orange book.
Extremely honored, Sara and I were happy just to be part of the weekend.
We did two sessions – one on creating a culture of conversation in the classroom with around 30 attendees then we did a session on our book From Striving to Thriving Writers with over three hundred folks. The cool thing about the big session is that we had everyone writing and sharing, 100% engagement – but, that’s par for the course with this crew.

Full house for Striving to Thriving
With full spirits, we want to thank all the good folks who made this one of the best conference experiences Sara and I have had in a long time.