November 8, 2018 - Michael Salinger
East Central Ohio Educational Service Center, New Philadelphia, Ohio
And the winner in our acronym competition is…

Sara leading some of the 5th graders through the paces of a 5 sentence narrative.
East Central Ohio Educational Service Center, New Philadelphia, Ohio supports teachers and students in – surprise, East Central Ohio. We’ve worked with their teachers and students the last couple years.
As much as we enjoy our international travel we love working with our fellow buckeyes any chance we get. So, when Lisa Burrell asked if we were available we jumped at the opportunity.

Sharing works in progress out loud.
We first worked with a dozen or so teachers from the service center’s districts sharing some of the strategies from our new Scholastic teacher resource From Striving to Thriving Writers.
A week later we worked with 5th and 9th graders from the Young Writers program at the Tuscarawas campus of Kent State where we worked on narrative structure and then did an assembly to finish the day.
It was a privilege to help support the teachers and students in the middle of our home state and to top it off – the jet lag was non-existent.